I am not a "playing" mom. I do not enjoy getting down on the floor and playing cars or whatnot. I do not mind, however, playing pretend games in which, as my son says, "You be (that character) and I'll be (this character) and we'll just talk like them and pretend." I'm totally cool with those sorts of games because I can do them while going for a walk, cooking dinner, or even sitting in a chair eating ice cream. You should try it sometime; it's good family bonding. Some days, I am the Pink Power Ranger, and he is Green. Others, I am one of his Smashers* toys and he is another. When he was little, he was always Batman and I was Robin, and he'd say, "I'm done going potty, Robin! Can you come wipe me now? I love you, Robin!" and the whole game got a little awkward, even though it was also endearing in an awkward way. Today, we played Star Wars. He was Luke, and I was Leia. -------------------------------------------- Dear Sw...