Sometimes, you leap out of bed in the morning, everything goes your way, and the sun is shining. You feel an overwhelming sense of optimism and practically make everyone around you throw up a little in their mouths because you're so flipping happy. I know you will be saddened to know this was not one of those days. In fact, it was like every living being in this house decided to gang up against me with body fluids and then laughed as I tried contain the deluge. DS and I were playing with elastics and carabiners... much more fun than all them fancy toys... when from the depths of the litter box came a strange and sinister sound. I leapt to my feet, all sorts of 40-year-old, ninja-like grace about me, and dashed to the bathroom to see what was going on. Usually, I leave a baby gate across the bathroom door, for reasons obvious only to someone who has a dog and or a toddler. Of course, I'd forgotten to gate the door... Also of course, my dear dog had m...