Sometimes, for fun and enjoyment, I look in my blogger stats and find out what search keywords led people to my blog. I have come across some interesting ones, such as "dogs that look like sheep," "funny puggle stories and nicknames," etc. But hands down the most disturbing one so far has been... wait for it... "dog peeing in mayo." What? WHY ? And in case you are lulled into some sense of security thinking that maybe this was some sort of crazy typo someone made, let me inform you that this search string led not one, but two different people to my blog. This leads me to wonder if there is some subset of people that enjoys watching dogs pee in mayonnaise . That's actually pretty specific, and trying to watch it happen must be pretty un-fulfilling seeing as, oh, it probably hardly ever happens . I suppose it could be carefully staged to happen, but still. Why? (In case you were wondering, I am not going to draw a picture of this, bec...