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Showing posts from 2011

From the Archives: Dog peeing in mayo and frothing blood

Sometimes, for fun and enjoyment, I look in my blogger stats and find out what search keywords led people to my blog.  I have come across some interesting ones, such as "dogs that look like sheep," "funny puggle stories and nicknames," etc.  But hands down the most disturbing one so far has been... wait for it... "dog peeing in mayo." What? WHY ?  And in case you are lulled into some sense of security thinking that maybe this was some sort of crazy typo someone made, let me inform you that this search string led not one, but two  different people to my blog. This leads me to wonder if there is some subset of people that enjoys watching dogs pee in mayonnaise .  That's actually pretty specific, and trying to watch it happen must be pretty un-fulfilling seeing as, oh, it probably hardly ever happens .  I suppose it could be carefully staged to happen, but still.   Why?  (In case you were wondering, I am not going to draw a picture of this, bec...

From the Archives: Adventures in veterinary visits

So, I have realized several things here.  One of these is that drawing pictures for this blog takes so long that I would rather completely avoid posting than having to draw pictures and then edit them and then stick them in this blog.  I know that's terrible, because, as you can probably tell, I am a Gifted Artist.  That being said, I will probably not put so many pictures up (like maybe one or two per post, or maybe, like, none), and you can make pictures in your head until I feel like drawing.  The second thing I have realized is that if you have animals, they will inevitably make you broke with vet bills. My first recent veterinarian visit occurred about a week ago and involved a dog tongue-laceration.  Now, I previously have led you down the road to believing that my dog, though neurotic, is rather intelligent.  Apparently, this intelligence does not encompass the knowledge to avoid running around at high velocities with a pointy stick pointing pointi...

From the Archives: Following Directions, Part 2: Bunny-Petting

For those of you who have read this blog before, you may have been wondering why a) I haven't been writing, and b) why there was a blog in July entitled " Following Directions, part 1 ," and there has  been no part two.  In reference to question a) the grade schoolers are sucking the very life from my veins, and in reference to question 2) here you go.  HA!  Caught you!  Pay attention!  That was supposed to be b), not 2). Now, being Foreign, my family has always had a strange relationship with our pets, such as eating them in a stew, for example, as was the case with our pet bunnies when I was a wee lass back in the old country.  Needless to say, it was quite devastating and I have spent years trying to make up for this by being a Friend to Rabbits. You may remember the epic beginning of my relationship with Ernesto .  I'm sad to say things did not improve from there on out.  After our hot date to a hospital in a cornfield, we decided to ...